2024 Company Signatures Updates

Follow the steps below to update your email signature on your devices to the 2024 company-required signature. Everyone must update their signature to the proper brand company signature and insert their correct contact information. You can omit that line if you do not need to provide your email recipients with your mobile number.

Each Device is different, and these directions are primary for Microsoft Outlook. If you do have a different device and need help where to save your signature on it, please Google “adding a signature to______ (insert device name) for emails.” This should point you in the right direction for your device. Please note that the corporate logo may not appear on some mobile devices.

It is IMPORTANT to save the company logo on your computer and insert it into your signature. Not Copy and paste (Step 6)

John Smith

Office: 732-819-8100 ext. XXX
116 Truman Drive
Edison, NJ 08817
Email: Associate@izzirigging.com
All transactions are subject to our terms and conditions listed on our website.

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 9.36.36 AM.png

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Go to your Outlook email program and click New Email. Open your Signature dropdown menu and click “Edit Signatures”

Click the + in the edit signature window to create your new branded signature.

Place your cursor in the editable signature box and paste your company signature in the new signature box. Type your information in front of each line not changing the font, size, or color. When completed erase the description lines.

Step 4

Copy the company logo for your email signature click the appropriate Logo to download to your device or hold down the CTRL KEY and V or Right Click on the webpage logo. To Save the Logo to a computer or mobile device.

Logo Files to save on your computer and use in new 2024 Email Signature

Step 5

From the Ribbon bar in Outlook, Click the Pictures Icon and Click add from “Picture from File”. Pick the Logo you downloaded to your device and insert it under the IzziRigging.com website line. Do not make any size adjustments to the logo.

From Microsoft Outlook Ribbon Bar.

From Microsoft Outlook Ribbon Bar.

Important- Choose Picture from File

Important- Choose Picture from File

Step 6

Save the signature and send a test email to yourself to confirm that the information is saved and correct. If your signature looks good in your email, then go to Step 7. If not, double-check that you followed the above steps completely. The main reason the logo doesn’t show up is that you didn't follow steps 4 and 5.

Step 7

Open the email you checked on your computer on your mobile device. Copy the signature and update your mobile device email signature with your new 2024 signature. Just Copy and Paste it into your mobile email program. Save and send yourself a test email to confirm it working correctly.

Please contact IT, Manager, or Fellow Associate if you need additional assistance.

Thank You.